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Governors Written Statement of Behaviour Principles


Under the Education and Inspection Act, 2006, the governing body is charged with the duty to set the framework of the school’s policy by providing a written statement of general principles relating to behaviour and discipline, taking into account the needs of all pupils.

The purpose of this statement is to give guidance to the Head Teacher in drawing up the Behaviour and Exclusion Policy by stating the principles which governors expect to be followed.

The policy aims to underpin the governors’ duty of care to pupils and employees; promote teaching and learning; high standards of progress and attainment and preserve the reputation of the school.

This statement and the Behaviour and Exclusion Policy will be reviewed on a three-yearly basis, unless changes at national or local level necessitate an exceptional review. This statement is informed by Washingwell’s Vision and Values.

Key Principles

Our main aim is to provide quality experiences in all aspects of school life.

We aim to create a warm and welcoming environment that cultivates a respect for the rights and needs of children and adults, irrespective of culture, race or gender.

As governors, we wish to acknowledge and encourage good work and good behaviour of both adults and children and will support the school in achieving this aim. We also aim to ensure pupils and adults who work at Washingwell School are as safe as possible.

We aim to promote this through our whole school Vision and Values and key principles that:

  • Every child has the right to learn, but no child has the right to disrupt the learning of others.
  • Everyone has a right to be listened to, to be valued, to feel and be safe.  Everyone must be protected from disruption or abuse.
  • The fundamental approach is a positive one, drawing attention to, rewarding good behaviour and mutual respect.
  • It is expected that all adults (staff and volunteers) will provide excellent models of behaviour in all aspects of school life.
  • We will seek to give every child a sense of personal responsibility for his/her own actions.
  • We will communicate expectations of behaviour clearly.
  • Where there are significant concerns over a pupil’s behaviour we will share the strategies we use with parents, working on an active partnership to promote good behaviour.
  • Early support and intervention will be issued at the earliest opportunity;
  • Strategies will be recorded where there is a high level of concern.
  • We will seek advice and support from appropriate outside agencies.
  • We will constantly seek to inform ourselves of good practice and strategies to further improve behaviour and attitudes. 
  • There will be a corporate approach but with due regard for individual circumstances.

    Governors Written Statement of Behaviour Principles