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Achievment and Performance

You can view and compare previous years results with other schools below:

Statutory Assessment

Children in Key Stage 2 are assessed upon an ‘Expected Standard’ to meet via a formal assessment (SATs).  This standard is represented by children achieving 100+ on a scaled score in SATs tests.  Those children who achieve 110+ are identified as working to a ‘Higher Standard than expected’.  

A school will publish the average scaled score in each subject to indicate the attainment of the group as a whole although children will receive their individual scores.

The progress measure for the year group indicates whether the children, collectively, have made progress ‘below’, ‘in line with’ or ‘above’ expectation.  A positive progress score indicates above, a negative score indicates below and zero would indicate expected progress.

Please click on the link below to see all our Statutory Assessment and Teacher Assessment data.